Hyundai Motorstudio Senayan Park
We Are All Unique

A video artwork celebrating unity in difference
Jakarta, Indonesia

We Are All Unique is a site-specific artwork, created for the large-scale media wall at Hyundai Motorstudio Senayan Park, Jakarta, Indonesia.

The video artwork is a celebration of unity in difference. A gathering of joyful figures emerges – each moving to the music in their own way, with their own distinctive textures, colours and expressions.

We were commissioned to create the video artwork to launch the latest Hyundai Motorstudio. This brand experience centre focuses on Hyundai Motor’s vision for clean mobility, with the media wall bringing imagination to life with digital artworks exploring movement, figurative forms and emerging technology.

The artwork continues our longstanding collaboration with the Hyundai Motorstudio, following commissions for video walls and installations at Motorstudios in Beijing, Goyang and Seoul.


Creative Director: Sam Renwick
Executive Producer: Claire Cook
Animators: Chris Perry, Matt Frodsham, Mark Dearman
Sound Designer: Simon Pyke
Studio Manager: Simon Thompson