Live Forever

Lenticular prints
594mm x 841mm

Available for licensing, screenings and exhibitions


Breathe Forever - Edition of 25 with 2 artists proofs
Dance Forever - Edition of 25 with 2 artists proofs
Grow Forever - Edition of 25 with 2 artists proofs
Move Forever - Edition of 25 with 2 artists proofs

Lifeforms at 180 Studios exhibition:

The four lenticular artworks that make up Live Forever explore whether it is possible to create moving image without any energy. The technique was a tangent from research we had been doing with a furniture company in Korea, developing objects that animate and evolve as you move around your space. These more straightforward 'interactive', abstract artworks appear to breathe, grow and dance as you pass them. This take on the analogue demonstrates how animation and narrative can exist in the simplest form. Like the Op Art works of Bridget Riley, our motion brings the medium to life.


Creative Director: Matt Pyke
3D Animation: Matt Frodsham and Chris Perry
Technical Directors: Joel Gethin Lewis and Dev Joshi
Executive Producer: Claire Spencer Cook
Lenticular Printing: Hive Associates